Women’s Initiative Committee

Women’s Initiative Committee
Report by Nancy Ferrell, Committee Chair


The Women’s Initiative Committee has targeted three main areas of focus for the coming year:

  • Start and build a LinkedIn group to provide a means for women alumni and current students to connect.  With the group name, “Friends of WE@BYU” (Women in Engineering and Technology at BYU), men are welcome to join!  The group will be a vehicle to provide updates on events and news from the women in the college, as well as providing networking opportunities for current students with alumni in their chosen field.  As we expand our outreach, we hope to also find candidates for college seminar and workshop presentations, as well as Women’s Leadership Forum speakers.
  • Assist the college with fundraising for the Women Freshman Mentorship Program.  This pilot program was instituted this past year and has been very successful.  We will be using the LinkedIn Group forum to inform our alumni about this exciting program and enlist their support.
  • We will be disconnecting the Women’s Leadership Forum with the ACET yearly meeting.  The next date for the forum will be in March of 2012, with hopes of improved attendance.  We will be working to provide a diverse group of speakers that will be both informative and inspiring to the students.  

 Thanks for all your support and we look forward to an exciting year!